It is impossible to imagine the traditional Belarusian lifestyle of the end of the 19th - the beginning of the 20th century without a towel.
Together with a table-cloth and a bedspread, it was included into the number of objects without which not a single peasant family lived regardless the level of their material welfare. Towels were kept in a trunk.
Depending on the main setting the Belarussian traditional towels can be conditionally added to two the finished groups of fabrics: decoratively-ceremonial and sanitary-domestic.
A towel reflects the history of our people, their spirit, creative aspirations and artistic perception of the world.
It is the most valuable property of the Belarussian culture and art.
Belarus, as none of other European people, saved to beginning of XXI of century in the living functioning numberless riches of folklore.
Among them there are towels that and nowadays weave and embroider in different corners of Belarus.
The towel continues to take part in the tireless dialogue of culture of the past and future by the enigmatic signs of decorative pattern, magic ceremonial force and perturbing vivid language of art.
The towel as the protracted fabric was called to assist the moment of such transition, symbolically marked a that way, that conducted young marrieds after each other, to the entry of each of them in the complement of other ordinary collective/community.
Usually such towels were white color with the embroidered edges necessarily by a red colour.
Several of such towels are in our chest.
It is linen or cotton fabric with the beautifully embroidered colours by red, green and blue threads.
In wedding towels a black colour was absent.
Ethnographers are mark semantic likeness of wedding and funeral-mention prosiness/commonness.
Funeral-mention ceremonies, on steady notion/presentations of Belarussian assisted passing of the dead to other world. To the mutual relations of the souls of ancestors-grandfathers with living congeners, it is yet more clearly talked about indissoluble figuratively-semantic connection of a towel with a road.
Linen, towels, in sparse kind, had to serve as a way for the dead souls.
Unlike nearby ethnoss - Russians and Ukrainians, subject - graphic compositions are not inherent to Belarussian. Once in a while, in later times there are vegetable patterns and images of Tree of life on the traditional embroidered towels.
Rhombus - rather the first in history of human idea symbol of vitality, to the beneficence and, perhaps, the first symbolic character, sign, hieroglyph of life and good, is through reason woven and embroidered geometrical character of the Belarussian towels.
It appears in all evolutional variety of the images : simple rhombus, rhombus cross, rhombus with four points, rhombus with sprouts, rhombus with a hook.
Characteristic reason of decorative pattern is the Greek cross, entered in a rhombus that combines in itself the pre-christian symbol of distribution of good on all parties of light and christian character.
This protective bedspread collected all family under the guardianship, it was thus considered that magic force had spilled not only on living but also on the dead relatives.
The towel was the symbol of unity of certain group of people, symbol of their association within the limits of family, and later domestic task force, symbol of their group force, namely capabilities to protect relatives, if there was a necessity in that.
For many centuries Belarussian use a towel.
The towel are weave and embroider and nowadays.
Gradually, year by year, century by century, the characteristic marks of the traditional finishing of the Belarussian towel were worked off and sharpened.
For protracted period of his existence the clear marks of the decorative finishing of making intended for a certain ceremony were gradually worn away, but there is most perfect, substantial, vitally necessary.
The towel is a deeply symbolic, significant thing.
Embroidered, figured woven fabric able to cause much feelings and associations for us.
Created on the laws of art, the towel decorates a daily occurence and simultaneously is a symbolic reminder about invisible connections, that connect a separate man with God, by his birth, ancestors.
The certain comprehension of reality, model of universe is looked over in him, that long time was used by our ancestors.
Traditional way of life of Belarus of end of XIX - beginning of XX of century it is impossible to imagine without a towel. Together/ integrally with a table-cloth and a bedspread, it was included in the number of objects without that not a single peasant family did regardless of level of their material welfare. Towels were kept in a trunk. Depending on the main setting the Belarussian traditional towels can be conditionally added to two the finished groups of fabrics: decoratively-ceremonial and sanitary-domestic. отделанныe ткани- finished goods A towel reflects history of people, their spirit, creative aspirations and artistic perception of the world. It is the most valuable property of the Belarussian culture and art. Belarus, as none of other European people, saved to beginning of XXI of century in the living functioning numberless riches of folklore. Among them there are towels that and nowadays weave and embroider in different corners of Belarus. The towel continues to take part in the tireless dialogue of culture of the past and future by the enigmatic signs of decorative pattern, magic ceremonial force and perturbing vivid language of art. By a red filament in direct and portable sense the character of the towel passes through all matters of wedding ceremony. The towel that a bride entails after herself by land is strung on her hand, as paving the way, on that quickly her coevals will get marry after her. The underfoot towel on that young marrieds stand during a wedding ceremony in a church, a bride, walking around an altar, must entails after herself, that friends didn’t sit too long in virgins. This towel after wedding was twisted up and kept during all life.
A towel appears in wedding ceremonies as а bride and a bridegroom. Through wedding ceremonies young marrieds passed to other age-related and social state, gave a birth in new quality. The towel as the protracted fabric was called to assist the moment of such transition, symbolically marked a that way, that conducted young marrieds after each other, to the entry of each of them in the complement of other ordinary collective/community. Usually such towels were white color with the embroidered edges necessarily by a red colour. Several of such towels are in our chest. It is linen or cotton fabric with the beautifully embroidered colours by red, green and blue threads. In wedding towels a black colour was absent. Ethnographers are mark semantic likeness of wedding and funeral-mention prosiness/commonness. Funeral-mention ceremonies, on steady notion/presentations of Belarussian assisted passing of the dead to other world. To the mutual relations of the souls of ancestors-grandfathers with living congeners, it is yet more clearly talked about indissoluble figuratively-semantic connection of a towel with a road. Linen, towels, in sparse kind, had to serve as a way for the dead souls. A towel was hung behind a window, if нябожык appeared in a house, that his soul was able to find to itself a road on the next world. At this towel, without any embroidery, clean linen were a way for the soul of good man, while a cord, but not towel, was spread the dead magician, that his soul departed in other world easier. In a traditional family-baptismal ritualism a towel had a special respect, that it is related to the ancient ideas about his magic-protective force. It is clearly traced in the rituals of parturient period, that had to assist successful completion of great act of included in the world of new man. So, one of traditional obstetric receptions consisted in that to the beam hung up a towel - usually in it carried a paskha, and woman giving birth held on to him, to deafen pain. Before in the Belarussian towels reigned conditionally-symbolic language of geometrical decorative pattern that firmly contacts with perception of the world of agricultural cultures, with an agrarian symbolics, producting magic. A textile decorative pattern was carried to our time by almost all arsenal of signs, elements of that language that humanity uses from times of overhead paleolith for the transmission of ideal maintenance of concepts of vital goods, for the magic giving of sacral properties by the real object. Unlike nearby ethnoss - Russians and Ukrainians, subject - graphic compositions are not inherent to Belarussian. Once in a while, in later times there are vegetable patterns and images of Tree of life on the traditional embroidered towels. Rhombus - rather the first in history of human idea symbol of vitality, to the beneficence and, perhaps, the first symbolic character, sign, hieroglyph of life and good, is through reason woven and embroidered geometrical character of the Belarussian towels. It appears in all evolutional variety of the images : simple rhombus, rhombus cross, rhombus with four points, rhombus with sprouts, rhombus with a hook. Characteristic reason of decorative pattern is the Greek cross, entered in a rhombus that combines in itself the pre-christian symbol of distribution of good on all parties of light and christian character. In rare cases, rather as an exception, in the standards of the Belarussian towels there is a swastika - solar symbol, sign of the world and fire that is also related to the symbolics of fertility. It is not set exactly, what kind the ancient Belarussian towel had, but it is possible to assume that it was a bit less than on the sizes of modern, produced by the simple methods of weaving, and if a decorative pattern was inflicted, then mainly sewing. The grey-white or muffled reddish-brown tints of linen yarn prevailed in coloristic relations, - cуравога bleached or painted by a vegetable substance. Incorporated by the arranged system of connections, adjusted to concrete time, ethnic traditions and concrete events, all of them carried the same deep symbolics - guard, assistance, benevolent influence, finally, benediction of "higher" forces. The towel, indisputably, was family averter, and in the modern understanding personified by itself the idea of flag. This protective bedspread collected all family under the guardianship, it was thus considered that magic force had spilled not only on living but also on the dead relatives. The towel was the symbol of unity of certain group of people, symbol of their association within the limits of family, and later domestic task force, symbol of their group force, namely capabilities to protect relatives, if there was a necessity in that. For many centuries Belarussian use a towel. The towel are weave and embroider and nowadays. Gradually, year by year, century by century, the characteristic marks of the traditional finishing of the Belarussian towel were worked off and sharpened. For protracted period of his existence the clear marks of the decorative finishing of making intended for a certain ceremony were gradually worn away, but there is most perfect, substantial, and vitally necessary. The towel is a deeply symbolic, significant thing. Embroidered, figured woven fabric able to cause much feelings and associations for us. Created on the laws of art, the towel decorates a daily occurence and simultaneously is a symbolic reminder about invisible connections, that connect a separate man with God, by his birth, ancestors. The certain comprehension of reality, model of universe is looked over in him, that long time was used by our ancestors.
By a red filament in direct and portable sense the character of the towel passes through all matters of wedding ceremony.
The towel that a bride entails after herself by land is strung on her hand, as paving the way, on that quickly her coevals will get marry after her.
The underfoot towel on that young marrieds stand during a wedding ceremony in a church, a bride, walking around an altar, must entails after herself, that friends didn’t sit too long in virgins.
This towel after wedding was twisted up and kept during all life.
A towel appears in wedding ceremonies as а bride and a bridegroom.
Through wedding ceremonies young marrieds passed to other age-related and social state, gave a birth in new quality.
A towel was hung behind a window, if нябожык appeared in a house, that his soul was able to find to itself a road on the next world.
At this towel, without any embroidery, clean linen were a way for the soul of good man, while a cord, but not towel, was spread the dead magician, that his soul departed in other world easier.
In a traditional family-baptismal ritualism a towel had a special respect, that it is related to the ancient ideas about his magic-protective force.
It is clearly traced in the rituals of parturient period, that had to assist successful completion of great act of included in the world of new man.
So, one of traditional obstetric receptions consisted in that to the beam hung up a towel - usually in it carried a paskha, and woman giving birth held on to him, to deafen pain.
Before in the Belarussian towels reigned conditionally-symbolic language of geometrical decorative pattern that firmly contacts with perception of the world of agricultural cultures, with an agrarian symbolics, producting magic.
A textile decorative pattern was carried to our time by almost all arsenal of signs, elements of that language that humanity uses from times of overhead paleolith for the transmission of ideal maintenance of concepts of vital goods, for the magic giving of sacral properties by the real object.
In rare cases, rather as an exception, in the standards of the Belarussian towels there is a swastika - solar symbol, sign of the world and fire that is also related to the symbolics of fertility.
It is not set exactly, what kind the ancient Belarussian towel had, but it is possible to assume that it was a bit less than on the sizes of modern, produced by the simple methods of weaving, and if a decorative pattern was inflicted, then mainly sewing.
The grey-white or muffled reddish-brown tints of linen yarn prevailed in coloristic relations, - cуравога bleached or painted by a vegetable substance.
Incorporated by the arranged system of connections, adjusted to concrete time, ethnic traditions and concrete events, all of them carried the same deep symbolics - guard, assistance, benevolent influence, finally, benediction of "higher" forces.
The towel, indisputably, was family averter, and in the modern understanding personified by itself the idea of flag.